The charity Dementia UK has put together a list of Christmas ideas perfect for people living with dementia.
The list has a focus around gifts linked to music, aromatherapy and interactivity.
The suggestions include:
Usually made with wool, twiddlemuffs are good for a person with dementia to play with if they become agitated as they can ease stress. They’re easy to make and can contain strands of textured ribbons, beads and various fabrics attached both inside and out to make them more engaging. To find out more about them, and how to make them, visit
Boxes filled with reminiscence triggers
Filling a box with ‘treasures’ is a lovely way to evoke memories, emotions and past memories. Various things can be added such as old photographs, favourite scents such as perfumes and aftershaves or chocolate, and other sensory provoking items. You can fill it or change it over time to keep it interesting, and ask young people to get involved too. These boxes are a great way to start conversations and help people to connect with each other.
ID jewellery
This type of jewellery is personalised, helping to maintain a person with dementia’s identity and wellbeing. There are many types of this jewellery available on the market, with a number of styles to suit various tastes, such as style bracelets or jewellery with a charm on it. It can also include a person’s name, details of their condition for medical professionals as well as contact details for a family member or close friend in case of an emergency.
Everyone has different types of music which they enjoy and this does not change when someone develops dementia. Music can evoke some very positive memories so it can always help to gift someone a song, an album of an artist or soundtrack which they have enjoyed previously. You can also look out for simple instruments like a shaker, bells or a tambourine to create some of your own music.
- For any additional advice on suitable gifts to buy for someone with dementia or for general advice around Christmas time, please contact the Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline on 0800 888 6678 or email The Helpline is open 9am-9pm weekdays and 9am-5pm on weekends, except for 25th December when it’s closed.